Why so disgusting such tyranny as with OR without ?

Publié le par imagiter.over-blog.com






Strange to discover how how music had driven to tyranny ? No, you shout ? But how do you feel if your life was, absolutely, stamped by a with OR without …you !!!  You yes you !!! The barbarian is full up (and you – completely illegally put in jail of injustice - was preventing of living free! )… with OR without – the contrary of "real choice", rough injustice, we "choose" and decide all 4 you…you are the slave of our tongues, the prisoner of our medias, the tough proof that we had always betrayed everything and everybody…Your personal choice have not value – we just make as you are okay with all our tyranny…YOUR CHOICE IS NOT NECESSARILY !!! Everything can happen with your "yes" or without…if you say "no" (without me !) is like yes…your yes is killed even before you can express it…the ugliest crime of the century ? Buried alive !!!


Because if you do one with or without to me – you did for everybody else. Putting out of the home of intimacy, the house of decision – all of that is robbed. And you are put off all that can be here, with all. Or somewhere else, without – your perfect right to travel …no non no no the sound with or without just let a so rotten taste in mouth, a taste of ashes of blood. A taste of infamy. Only one voice can walk on the face of everybody else…and all applause for that coward ones…yes the ugliest sound, since we are born, is with or without !!! Put that too rubbish out of music…


…with OR without you – in truth : is without – you cannot ever give your point of view, even it's your own life. We had stolen everything of you– but who cares ? Who who – sure no right to piss on ? We don't get fooled again – but sure not by Mother – only by all rotten business which try to hide everything. And with you seem to succeed too easily…And that's you who become fooled again fooled again fooled again and again for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles…Fooled by the only fact you don't even think one second – fooled only by yourselves in fact !!! Fucked out !!!


Even no right to complain – we use it, also, as a fault, from you, and make that police worthy than the official one… Who found the best attitude when a media (or a gang of stars) around is steeling your fame ? Because it doesn't happened in her/ his own lives ?


With Out - Out falls with out is, logically , impossible…yes – of course - if you are out you are not with !!!


With in is with, inside in the side of inside - not out of with – Alice can escape of that rubbishes hearts and so dirty minds…So Mother do it - with sufferings you never can imagine. And you LOOSE her/ him  - and now everybody know how music is boring, not flashing by universe – the magic glitter is out…of the tunes…we (except Mother) are older than thousands of centuries…more stupid you can show ?


And we too found the fountain of true youth – so nothing gonna left from them – stars against the true lives of us …


                                   OUT OUT OUT OUT all the with out (without) !!!


                        Que le vaste humour vous grandisse et vous nourrisse !!!

Sous copyleft……pour tout ce qui reste à but non lucratif

(à suivre)

            tous ces blogs sont bien reliés à une pensée globale


trouvez, aussi, un compliment à cette réflexion sur le site internet à téléchargements gratuits freethewords.org,  onglet 1  "Les mamelles du repos", "Remue- ménage" et "L'athéâtre",  onglet 2  "Comment devenir un (e) athée du capitalisme" ou bien "L'intelligence indestructible du capitalisme ?" et "La star des stars", "L'ardeur sociale" ou, encore, "Présent !", onglet 3"La diction du dictionnaire" ou comment rendre tous les mots physiques", et  "Rien de plus solide que le solidaire", sinon,  onglet 4 "Où trouver encore du sérieux ?", "Nul n'est nul", "Je ne parle plus à qui a raison" ou bien, encore, "Assentiments aux sentiments".

Résistances au changement      Impliquent changement de résistances

Structurellement, les classes moyennes ne savent plus penser

Pas de République si le politique ne prime pas sur l'économie.

La prospérité c'est pour tous, la richesse pour la minorité

La façon d’écrire se nomme infini respect


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<br /> bonjour<br /> <br /> <br /> avec vous nous n'apprenons que l'essentiel que que soit le thème - et il y aune telle densité affectiven, un partage d'émotions...etc des perspectives de futurs agréables - bef un blog COMPLET-<br /> merciiiiiiiii<br />
<br /> <br /> c la vraie histoire de la vraie musique - c comme ça<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />