When you have guts you don’t need glory

Publié le par imagiter.over-blog.com

When you have guts you don’t need glory

You must gimme back

What you rob to me

At a million against one

It could seem easy

But now that I'am one million

And you more alone

Than ever

Doesn't it seem to you easier


and that's sure don't belong to you

what's be long staying near me

and with your will

you will not reach it

'cos it's to share with misery

and with your will

it would better for you


When you have guts you don’t need glory



Resistance to change Involve change of resistances

Structurally, the middle class no longer know how to think

No Republic if the policy does not take precedence over the economy.

Prosperity is for all the wealth for the minority

How to write is called infinite respect


Publié dans Croque tes crocos

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