The biggest taboo : that you have real thoughts of love

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The biggest taboo : that you have real thoughts of love

Why you make war with your love

your love who refuse to think

and open its hearts


love begins when you finish making love

if you walk on a bump's face

sleeping at your doorway

impossible to say you "make" love

you just destroy it destroy


still trying to sell everything and everything

hiding behind the name of love

is it true will?

strange way where you loose

every letter of the word


true love is body heart

and mind together

have you had thoughts of love?

complete thoughts of love

running in all your body

nothing to do with religions

the only real taboo is thoughts of love

the illegal society hate

thoughts of love

'cos they are free, they give freedom around

and they share free money everywhere


Full of thoughts of love

you're like a Xmas father

without the money and the religion

with thoughts of love all around

making the others happy

do you really know another way than

thoughts of love ?

so why you keep your mouth closed?


why you make war with your love

your love who refuse to

open his heart?


your love begins when you finish

making love

if you walk on a bump's face

sleeping at your doorway

impossible to say you "make" love

you just destroy it destroy


loosing dignity and morals every steps

you can't even take conscious

that love belongs to thoughts of love

full of juices, colours and smells

love stays in complete thoughts of love

running in all your body

after your heart accept to open to shares

these illegal society hates

thoughts of love

'cos they are free, they give

free around and they

share free

you're as a Xmas father

out of any religion

making the others happy

even without making noise


The biggest taboo : that you have real thougts of love

The biggest taboo : that you have real thoughts of love

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